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Hair drug testing is an advanced method for detecting illicit substances in the body over an extended period. Unlike urine or blood tests, which provide results for a short duration, hair analysis can detect substances up to one year depending on the length of the sample collected.
What is a hair drug test?
Hair test: Detection over several months, up to one year.
Urine test: Detection over a few days to a week.
Blood test: Detection over a few hours to a few days.
Hair testing is therefore ideal for retrospective analysis.
What's the difference between hair, urine, and blood testing?
A sample of at least 1 cm is required to analyze drug presence over a 3-month period. For extended testing up to 12 months, samples up to 20 cm can be sent.
How do you send a hair sample?
This test analyzes substances present in hair or body hair. Drugs and their metabolites become integrated into the hair structure as they circulate in the blood.
Once trapped in the hair fiber, they can remain there for several months, or even over a year depending on the length of hair analyzed.
How does hair testing work?
Purchasing this test is simple and can be done directly online through the laboratory's website. Simply select your desired test, follow the instructions for sending your hair sample, and await the results, which will be sent to you by email within five business days after your samples are received at the laboratory.
How do you purchase a hair drug test?
What's the difference between a legal drug test and a private test?
Legal test: Performed by a healthcare professional with identity verification.
Private test: Performed at home, anonymous.
The private test is therefore preferable for personal and confidential use.
Why choose a hair test?
This test is recommended for:
Long-term abstinence monitoring.
Monitoring substance abuse.
In-depth analysis not possible with urine or blood tests.
Choose the reliability and precision of a hair test for your drug screening needs.
How do you take a legal drug test with a doctor?
If you need to take a legal drug test, there are certain things to keep in mind. First, it's important to always follow the sampling instructions.
For a legal test, the person's identity must be verified by a sampler such as a doctor. Second, make sure to provide a list of all medications you're currently taking, as well as vitamins or supplements.
By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure your legal drug test will proceed smoothly and accurately reflect your current health status.
Results are sent by email within 5 business days. An in-depth analysis over a longer period may extend this timeframe.
What are the result timeframes?
No, this test is purely quantitative. It cannot determine the exact time of use.
Does the test indicate the date of use?
Laboratory scientists wash all hair samples before confirmation testing to eliminate any possibility of contamination.
To rule out external contamination, they also test for both the drug and its metabolite (byproduct) determined by drug use. This metabolite is only produced by the body and cannot be an environmental contaminant.
Can external drug exposure affect test results?
This test is better suited for detecting regular or excessive use. Single or rare use may not be detected.
Is this test suitable for detecting occasional use?
Hair color is determined by the amount of melanin in the hair. It has been experimentally demonstrated and legally determined that this does not have a significant impact on the results.
Does hair color affect the results?
To determine the amount of hair needed for the test, 70 to 100 hairs are required. Hair color does not interfere with test quality. This test can be performed on all hair types, including colored, bleached, or permed hair.
Analysis can be done with hair longer than 3 cm for detection going back up to 90 days. 30 days per centimeter of hair. If the hair is less than 3 cm, detection will be reduced.
The very first traces can appear approximately 4 to 6 days after taking a substance. However, no two people react the same way, and each metabolism is different regarding detection. Therefore, it's best to consider that a minimum of 10 days is necessary before a drug can be detected in samples.
How much hair is needed and in what condition?
Yes, it's possible, but the test will be reported as having an "anonymous" donor. The laboratory cannot attribute the sample to a specific person and cannot determine the test duration, meaning the test result will not be legally defensible.
Can hair collected from a brush be used?
Yes, body hair can be used. However, since it grows more slowly than head hair, the detection period may be older and more difficult to date precisely.
Can body hair be used instead of head hair?
Here is the list of substances that can be detected:
Amphetamines: Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, MDMA, MDA
Cocaine and metabolites: Cocaine, Benzoylecgonine, Cocaethylene, Norcocaine
Cannabis (THC and metabolites)
Opiates: Codeine, Morphine, Heroin (6-MAM)
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Synthetic opioids: Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Norfentanyl
Benzodiazepines: Alprazolam, Clonazepam, Diazepam, Lorazepam
Ketamine and metabolites
Barbiturates: Phenobarbital, Pentobarbital, Amobarbital
Methadone and metabolites: EDDP
Note: Designer drugs such as GHB, as well as alcohol and tobacco, are not detected by this test.