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laboratory endeavor dna test

Your samples are analyzed by our partner laboratory:

Endeavor DNA Laboratories


Learn more about the laboratory's accreditations

Prefer to receive a DNA kit?

We also work with the associated laboratory EasyDNA.

easydna - uncle and aunt test


Client Code for 2 participants

We don't send DNA kits!


It's up to you to make your DNA kit with saliva samples.

You can place the order from any country.


Place your order to receive by email:

  • your customer code;

  • sample collection instructions;

  • the online consent form;

  • the shipping form to print, fill out and send;

  • the laboratory's address.

Product details

The DNA test and instructions include the use of saliva samples for both participants.


  • Addition of an extra participant: 99.00€

  • Addition of a non-standard sample: 69.00€

  • Organization of the sample shipping by the laboratory: 50.00€ (FEDEX)

All options must be requested by email:


  • Results within 3 to 5 working days after receipt of saliva samples.

  • Results within 10 working days for other types of samples

  • The results are sent by email and then automatically destroyed within 60 days.


Maternity Test


It is possible to do a Maternity test during a legal procedure.


It is a request that can be implemented by the decision of a judge in the context of cases concerning family law.

You can also do a Maternity DNA test at home in a private setting.


The order can be made directly on the internet from your home in order to receive the sampling equipment at home. 

Unfortunately, it is still not possible to obtaina DNA test in pharmacy, moreover, only a laboratory with genetic analysis equipment and accredited by international standards can provide the result for a Maternity test.

How to do a Maternity DNA test?


The maternity DNA test can be performed with:


  • Saliva samples:  (Sterile buccal swabs)

  • Non-standard samples : Like hair, nails, toothbrush...


Be careful, you must follow the instructions and respect the conditions so that the samples provide enough genetic information for your test.

What type of sample is used for the test?


Maternity DNA testing is a genetic comparison to establish a biological link between participants.


The test determines the parentage probability of a woman being the biological mother of a child.  

The analysis can be done after the birth of the child with oral samples or non-standard samples.


Those tested include a child, an alleged mother and a biological father (not mandatory).

What is a Maternity test?

maternity test - relation link

Who can participate in a parentage test?


Each individual has a genetic heritage composed of 50% of that of his father and 50% of his mother. The maternity DNA test determines if the genetic profile of the child matches 50% with the genetic profile of an alleged mother.

  • One or more presumed mothers

In the event that the doubt of maternity would relate to presumed mothers coming from the same family, both mothers and the father must participate in the test with the child.


Otherwise, the results lose precision.


maternity search
  • One or more boy/girl children can participate in the  test


Children can share the same father or not

The test can be done from birth, at any age

  • The biological father of the child

The father's participation in a maternity test excludes half of the child's DNA, leaving the other half for comparison with the alleged mother's DNA.


This improves the reliability and accuracy of the results.


  • The father(s) are recommended, but not mandatory to participate in the test

paternity search


  • 3-5 days using buccal swabs for all participants

  • 10 days minimum if one of the participants uses non-standard samples



This delay is calculated from the moment your  samples arrive at the laboratory.

Transport time is not taken into account.

What are the analysis times for a Maternity test? 


The results are presented in the form of a table:


  • Each  column  corresponding to a participant

  • Each row to compared genes

  • The composition of the gene is represented by one or two numbers per person

The child must have at least one number in common per line with the presumed mother. If the match is perfect on all rows, then the relation is concluded, otherwise it is rejected. 

How to read the results of a Maternity DNA test?


The reliability and authenticity of a Maternity DNA test depend on several factors:


  • Sample quality

  • Laboratory accreditation

  • Test selection based on family situation


The quality of the DNA relies on the collection and preservation of samples. It is essential to follow the laboratory’s instructions to ensure accurate results.


Accredited laboratories comply with requirements related to analysis processes, resource and equipment management, impartiality, and confidentiality of information.


For a maternity test, the laboratory must hold ISO 17025 accreditation.


The reliability of the results depends on the number of genes compared.


Most laboratories conduct tests comparing an average of 15 to 22 genes (STR loci) between participants.


Depending on your situation, you can request an extended comparison of loci from the laboratory.

This extended comparison enhances accuracy and, consequently, the reliability of the results.


The maternity test provides a 100% reliable negative result and a 99.9% reliable positive result.

How reliable are the results?


Can a Maternity test be used for an immigration procedure? 


Yes, a maternity DNA test can be used for immigration procedures in countries that allow the use of private laboratories to perform legal tests. More information about legal tests on our legal page. Please request the necessary   procedures from the Embassy before contacting the laboratory. Generally, the embassy or consulate of the foreign country takes care of the DNA collection for the beneficiary. Once the tests are complete, the lab can send the DNA test results directly to the applicant's immigration office.


Can the maternity test be taken from different locations?


Yes, you can certainly have the DNA collected while the participants are not together. In this case, the laboratory can send sampling kits to several addresses, the samples must be taken separately before being returned to the laboratory by post. The results are provided by email.


Can a maternity test be done without the father's consent?


Neither the consent of the father nor his participation is necessary during a maternity test for your peace of mind online. Nowadays, laboratories accept that the mother assumes full responsibility for the use of the child's genetic information.


Can a maternity test be done without the mother's consent?


Technically, it is possible to do a maternity test without the knowledge of the mother. For this to happen, the test candidate must be able to collect non-standard samples from the mother. We offer a list of samples that can be used for this test. Care should be taken, as this method is not recommended and it is particularly illegal to take this step to further your tests and even if it makes your test more reliable, it will have no legal value. In this case, the laboratories request that the solicitor be held responsible for the use of non-consensual samples.


Can we do a maternity test without the mother? 


You have two options if you want to do a maternity test without the presumed mother present.


- or take a test with other family members, we explain this procedure to you in our guide to maternity research.


- or do the test using discrete samples belonging to the alleged mother, such as hair, nails, toothbrush... More explanations can be found in our article on non-standard samples.


How to do a maternity test in Pharmacy?


It is currently impossible to order a DNA test in pharmacies. Genetic analysis is offered by private laboratories that offer their services online or on site.

Frequently Asked Questions


Maternal line research


The mitochondrial DNA test allows anyone to compare this specific DNA from the biological mother to determine a common maternal lineage.

x chromosome

Paternity search between sisters


The analysis of the X chromosome makes it possible to define whether the two sisters share the same paternal X chromosome.


For this, it is mandatory that the sisters share the same biological mother. 

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