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Gender reveal test during pregnancy

Updated: Jun 30, 2024

Having a baby is one of the most exciting things that can happen in your life, and what makes it even better are the moments of anticipation when you wonder whether the newcomer will be a boy or a girl. For years, expectant parents had only one option to determine the gender of their baby without resorting to the painful process of relying on ultrasound. Today, technology is finally available to accurately determine the gender of your baby from conception, without any risk or hassle.

Thanks to new methods in genetic laboratories, you can now undergo a simple non-invasive prenatal test from the comfort of your home to find out the gender of your baby. "Non-invasive" because it does not require any medical intervention that could be dangerous to the baby's health. It is now possible that with a simple blood sample, and even a finger prick, you can determine the gender and prepare for the arrival of a boy or a girl.

All that is required for the test is a blood sample from the mother, which allows for gender detection from 7 weeks of pregnancy or later, with an accuracy of 99.5%. Before this period, it is not recommended to take the test, as there is an increased risk of an incorrect result for a girl. This is because the fetal DNA present in the mother's blood may be below the test's detection limit.

According to the laboratories, you have the option to have the samples taken by appointment or from your home if you choose a blood draw by a nurse or by using a self-administered screening kit with a simple finger prick. You can order the materials directly online to receive the collection instructions, which means you can test the gender of your baby at home, in complete privacy and discretion.

For this method, a transportation service is usually included in your order to assist you in sending your samples to the laboratory. It is important to declare to postal services that your samples are not infectious. You should also ensure that your blood samples remain viable for analysis for a relatively short period, only a few days.

The technology used for baby gender screening involves isolating acellular fetal DNA from the mother's blood. This is followed by the amplification of specific regions of the Y chromosome and autosomal regions using real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology. Analysts determine the presence of the Y chromosome, which only males possess. If the Y chromosome is present, the baby is a boy; if it is not present, then it's a girl! This analysis remains today the most reliable, scientifically proven, and accurate process for early gender detection.

Given that the analysis detects the presence or absence of the Y chromosome (male) in acellular fetal DNA, the laboratory teams offering this test are entirely female, from the packaging service to technicians and processors. On your part, ensure that the tubes or the collection needle are not handled by a man. Thus, the blood draw must be done by a woman.

Can gender screening be done based on urine?

No, there are no sex hormones in urine. The presence of sex hormones is necessary for any test to determine the baby's gender.

Does the test work for twins?

No, this test is not valid for multifetal pregnancies. If you are expecting twins or other multiples, we suggest relying on ultrasound to determine the gender of your babies.

How to prepare for the test?

There are 5 steps we recommend following before conducting the sample collection process for the test with a home blood draw.

Hydrate well: The instructions recommend drinking a quarter of a liter 20 minutes before collecting your sample. This helps the blood circulate more quickly and reduces the collection time. Drinking water before sampling also helps the sample mix more effectively with the preservative in the vial.

Clean the surfaces where you want to perform the test with water and soap (countertop, table, etc.).

Wash your hands for an extended period, and also check to use a nail brush to clean under your nails if necessary.

Dry your hands with a paper towel only.

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